Encyclopedia Titanica

Youngest Survivor Of The Titanic, Gleeful With Foster Parents

Montreal Daily Witness

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Boy, Eleven Months Old, Saved When Parents Went Down With Wreck, Becomes Centre Of Much Attention And Smiles Happily.

Although Travers J.[sic] Allison, eleven months old, did not realise it yesterday, much interest was centred in his case.

He is probably the most youthful survivor of the Titanic disaster. One would never think he had undergone such an experience to see him smiling and chuckling under the care of foster-parents at the Manhatten Hotel. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Hudson. J. Allison, of Montreal.

Mr. Hudson was a capitalist in that city and had various interests. When the Titanic went down the Allison's were on board with two other children,[sic]a chauffeur and a maid.

During the rush, and panic when lifeboats were lowered, the Allison baby was found on deck and taken aboard the second to last lifeboat that went over the ship's sides.

It is doubtful if another person in the wrecked party received more care than he. He did not seem any worse for his experience yesterday and smiled heartily when his picture was taken.

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Encyclopedia Titanica (2004) Youngest Survivor Of The Titanic, Gleeful With Foster Parents (Montreal Daily Witness, Monday 22nd April 1912, ref: #3092, published 27 June 2004, generated 27th November 2024 08:23:20 PM); URL : https://www.encyclopedia-titanica.org/youngest-survivor-titanic-gleeful-with-foster-parents.html