Encyclopedia Titanica

Peter Elverhøi

Peter Elverhøi

I am Norwegian, I was born in 1944. I read "A Night to Remember" when I was around the age of 11 and was hooked on the Titanic from page 1. I have since spent more than 50 years studying the ship and the tragedy. I ran away from home in 1962 and traveled the world (east from Europe to China) between 1963-1967. I was awarded a British Government grant to study linguistics and English language at the University of London. I had been a teacher of English as a foreign language since 1976. My wife and I moved to Spain in 2000 and opened our own language school. I plan to retire when I am 70 and spend more time on astronomy, a hobby I discovered recently.

Acquitting the Iceberg
When most of the facts everyone knows about the Unsinkable Ship are scrutinized, it is quickly discovered that many of them are not facts at all......