Encyclopedia Titanica

Algernon H. Barkworth

Concord Enterprise

Algernon H. Barkworth of York, England, was a guest at the home of Mrs. Richard F. Wood, Main st., Friday. Mr. Barkworth is one of the survivors of the Titanic disaster.

Although Mr. Barkworth has traveled extensively in various parts of the world, this was his first trip to America, and as he told his hostess, he felt that it would be his last.
Mr. Barkworth said that when the Titanic was about to sink, he jumped into the water, a distance of 30 feet. He was kept afloat by means of a life belt, which he fastened on over his fur coat. When the accident happened, he was in evening dress, but fortunately had the presence of mind to make the change into a heavy suit and then donned his fur coat. The clothing which he had on was of course all that he saved. Mr. Barkworth said that he should judge that he must have been in the water nearly two hours before he was picked up by one of the lifeboats. It was a terrible experience, some of it so horrible that he is endeavoring to efface it from his memory.

Mrs. Wood took her guest about the various parts of the town, and one place visited was the old Concord bridge. It seemed that here all he could see, however, was the "treaherous water," as he describes it. Although a strong, vigorous man, the terrible strain has told severely on him and he shows the intense suffering which has been his.

He did not care to remain in America, owing to his nervous condition, he said, and therefore sailed on Tuesday for his home in England

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Encyclopedia Titanica (2003) Algernon H. Barkworth (Concord Enterprise, Wednesday 1st May 1912, ref: #1267, published 28 August 2003, generated 9th December 2024 09:41:46 PM); URL : https://www.encyclopedia-titanica.org/algernon-h-barkworth.html