Reports Don't Refer to Me, Says B. Guggenheim, Nor to the Family
BenjaminGuggenheim, who arrived here yesterday from Europe on the Mauretania,said last night at the Hotel St. Regis in regard to published reportsthat members of the Guggenheim family were about to change theirreligious faith:
"So far as I am concerned, and so far as thefamily is concerned, I can deny the report absolutely. However, if someindividual member of the family is referred to I can only refer you tothat member of the family. As for myself and the family in general nosuch thing is in contemplation."
William Guggenheim, son of MeyerGuggenheim, who was mentioned by name in the published reports, hasdeclined to discuss them, holding that his religious views are apersonal matter in no way concerning the public.
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