Encyclopedia Titanica


New York Times

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Delmonico’s was the scene of one of the handsomest weddings of the season at 6 o’clock last evening, when Miss Florette Seligman, the youngest daughter of James Seligman, was married to Benjamin Guggenheim, a son of Meyer Guggenheim of 66 West Seventy-seventh Street. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. Dr. Gottheil, assisted by the Rev. Dr. Silverman.

The bride’s father is at the head of the banking house of J. & W. Seligman & Co. She is as strikingly handsome brunette. The bridegroom is a Director in many prominent companies, and is known as the “Silver Prince,” owing to his interest in several silver mines and silver smelting works.

The bride wore a gown of heavy white satin, the body of which was trimmed with point d’Alencon. The entire costume was made unusually artistic by its festoons of natural orchids and orange blossoms. The bride carried orchids and lilies of the valley fastened together with long white satin ribbons, sprayed with orchids, and terminating near the ground in very large butterfly bows. The bridesmaids wore handsome gowns of pink and white and had diamond pins, the gift of the bride.

Rarely have Delmonico’s parlors been so handsomely decorated as they were last evening. The ceremony was performed under a canopy of roses so extensive as to allow every member of the bridal party to stand beneath it.

Countless tropical plants, including immense palms, stood near the walls. A large wedding bell of white roses was suspended from the canopy. Large bunches of chrysanthemums, tied with light blue ribbons, were banked in the corners of the Red Room, the ballroom, and other reception apartments. The doorways were garlanded with evergreens and ribbons of roses. The hall was also handsomely decorated with various plants and flowers.

Those who acted as bridesmaids were Miss Ethal [sic] Seligman, Miss Cora Guggenheim, Miss Florence B. Kohn, Miss Florence Content, Miss Carrie Stetheimer, Miss Rosa D. Gross, Miss Edith Hellman, and Miss Beatrice S. Bernheimer. Solomon Guggenheim, eldest brother of the bridegroom, was best man, while the ushers were William Guggenheim, Washington Seligman, Jesse L. Seligman, Lee Kohns, Arnold Brunner, De Witt Cohen, Edward Gerstle, A. E. Mines, Edmond Wise, Eugene Loeb, Louis Leymair, S. C. Bernheim, H. J. Fitch, Morris Loeb, and George Seligman.

A dinner was given after the ceremony, for which 500 invitations had been sent out. It was served on many small tables, each being covered with a cloth of blue, and holding a centre-piece of white chrysanthemums, tied with blue satin ribbons.

The many gifts received by the bride included several checks, each representing a good-sized fortune. Rarely have such handsome jewels, of all kinds, and in every conceivable setting, been received as gifts by one person.

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Encyclopedia Titanica (2004) Guggenheim-Seligman (New York Times, Thursday 25th October 1894, ref: #3383, published 5 August 2004, generated 28th November 2024 09:13:41 AM); URL : https://www.encyclopedia-titanica.org/guggenheim-seligman.html