Encyclopedia Titanica


The Times

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The liner Olympic (45,439 tons gross) sailed from Southampton last evening on her last voyage to Jarrow, where she is to be broken up. Among the hundred people who waved the liner farewell were a number who had served in her, and several of her old hands were in the skeleton crew. Ships in the harbour sounded their sirens in salute as she passed.
The liner was flying her old house flag of the White Star Line, with the blue ensign at her stern. She is under the command of Captain P.R.Vaughan, who commanded the Homeric. The ship is to be broken up by Messrs. Thomas W.Ward Limited of Sheffield, under the arrangement by which they purchased the vessel from Sir John Jarvis in connection with the Surrey scheme for helping this distressed area.
The Olympic is due to reach Jarrow on Sunday, and her arrival is expected to attract thousands of people to the piers at South Shields and Tynemouth and along the river banks. Special excursions are being organized from a number of towns. She is due off the Tyne early on Sunday morning, and will anchor until between 2.30 and 3 o’clock, when she will enter the river and proceed up-stream under her own steam, escorted by six tugs. Jarrow will be reached in an hour, in time to catch high-water mark at 10 minutes to 4. The liner will be manoeuvred into her berth alongside Palmers shipyard by the tugs and shore ropes as quickly as possible while there is plenty of water.
Sir John and Lady Jarvis and the Mayor and Mayoress of Jarrow will go on board and be introduced to the captain and pilot, Mr.Ramsay, of South Shields, who boarded the ship at Southampton. There will be 200 guests, including mayors and mayoresses of Tyneside, at a civic reception on board on Monday. A last opportunity to visit the Olympic before she is broken up will be afforded on Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday, when day excursions to Newcastle and Jarrow will leave King’s Cross at 10.45 pm, the return fare being 20s.

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Stanley C. Jenkins, UK


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Encyclopedia Titanica (2009) LAST VOYAGE OF THE OLYMPIC (The Times, Saturday 12th October 1935, ref: #9933, published 7 January 2009, generated 17th June 2024 02:11:48 PM); URL : https://www.encyclopedia-titanica.org/last-voyage-of-the-olympic-9933.html