Encyclopedia Titanica

Olympic Berthed at Jarrow

Farewell Salute From Sirens

The Times

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The Olympic, which is to be broken up by Messrs.T.W.Ward and Co at Jarrow to provide employment, was safely berthed alongside Palmers shipyard today. The coming of the liner to the Tyne attracted many thousands of spectators, including the Lord Mayor of Newcastle and other Mayors from Tyneside, to the harbour mouth and along the banks of the river. The Olympic arrived off the Tyne early this morning, but did not enter the harbour until shortly before 3 o’clock. Early mist shrouded the ship, but the last stage of her journey up the river was made in clear weather. Vessels in the river sounded their sirens in farewell to the Olympic which replied to the salute.

The liner proceeded up river under her own steam. Two tugs ahead and two more astern assisted to manoeuvre the vessel into her berth. The berthing operation was expeditiously accomplished without any hitch on the peak of the tide. The breaking-up of the ship will provide work for some hundreds of Jarrow men for 18 months, and will represent £100,000 in wages. Sir John Jarvis and Lady Jarvis watched (he arrival of the vessel, and later went on board with the Mayor and Mayoress of Jarrow. Tomorrow a civic reception is to be given on board. The 200 guests will include representatives of all the Tyneside boroughs.

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Stanley C. Jenkins, UK


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  1. greg robertson greg robertson
    Here she is at the end of her career.
  2. Mikael Jonsson Mikael Jonsson
    thanks. That one was new to me.
  3. Erik Wood Erik Wood
    Those are some sad pictures. Thanks Greg. Erik
  4. Mikael Jonsson Mikael Jonsson
    please don't cry
  5. Erik Wood Erik Wood
    I'll try not to, but I can't promise. I have a soft side for the Olympic. Erik
  6. Mikael Jonsson Mikael Jonsson
    What if Olympic would be there still today like Queen Mary is. That would be so cool. How could they destroy the ship. Every time I think of Olympic I feel like someone has died.
  7. greg robertson greg robertson
    Here is one of her leaving Southampton, bound for the Shipbreakers at Jarrow:
  8. greg robertson greg robertson
    Here is another latter image of Olympic in the 1930's :
  9. Mikael Jonsson Mikael Jonsson
    greg do u have them in higher resolution. then please mail them to me because I don't have them before. thanks /mike
  10. greg robertson greg robertson
    I dont have full access to Photoshop at the moment, soon as I do I will resize them.
  11. Steve Smith Steve Smith
    I hope none of her former crew saw the photos from Jarrow... I remember a documentary featuring a few members of the crew who'd served on the British Aircraft Carrier "Ark Royal" which was decommisioned in the late 1970's. The film makers took one guy to the yard where the ship was half-scrapped. He just burst into tears and kept repeating over and over again "why have they done this to her?" It was bloody heartbreaking to watch...
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Encyclopedia Titanica (2009) Olympic Berthed at Jarrow (The Times, Monday 14th October 1935, ref: #9935, published 9 January 2009, generated 16th June 2024 10:28:18 PM); URL : https://www.encyclopedia-titanica.org/olympic-berthed-at-jarrow-9935.html