Encyclopedia Titanica

Adolf Mattmann

Mr Adolf Mattmann, 20, an unmarried confectioner, was born on 29 August 1891 at Inwil, Switzerland. His father was Kandid Mattmann-Meierhans, a wine trader from Inwil, Kanton Luzern, Switzerland.

Mattmann was an apprentice confectioner at Karl Häberle at Luzern and later went to Freiburg to learn French. Back, he worked in the summers of 1910 and 1911 at the Hotel Löwen in Wiggis, Kanton Luzern. At the end of October he moved to England, where he remained for some time before he was employed on the Olympic. He changed to Titanic in spring 1912 as ice man.

Mattmann just wanted to sail twice on the Titanic. After that he already had an employment at a hotel in London. His wages were £1 10s a week. He signed on 6 April 1912 and began work on the Titanic the same day. At this time he lived at 3 Orchard Place, Southampton.

Adolf Mattmann died in the sinking. His body, if recovered, was never identified.

His parents received a compensation of £50 from White Star and outstanding wages of 25s 9d. The Titanic Relief Fund paid £70. His father died 1925 (74), his mother Karolina Aloisia 1932.

References and Sources

Günter Bäbler (1998) Reise auf der Titanic. Chronos, Zürich

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Titanic Crew Summary

Name: Mr Adolf Mattmann
Age: 20 years 7 months and 17 days (Male)
Nationality: Swiss
Marital Status: Single
Occupation: Ice Man
Embarked: Southampton
Died in the Titanic disaster (15th April 1912)
Body Not Identified

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