Encyclopedia Titanica

George Wright

Canadian First Class Passenger

George Wright
George Wright

Mr George Wright is believed to have been born in Tufts Cove, Nova Scotia, on 26 October 1849. (There is some confusion about the exact date in the records). He was a farmer's son, but during a visit to the U.S. Centennial Exhibition in Philadelphia in 1876, he got the idea of compiling an international business directory, and became a successful printer before he was 30. He made a fortune publishing Wrights World Business Directories, which became an indispensable guide to the corporate world on three continents.

He was a well travelled, rich, but private individual with a social conscience. Wright was committed to better housing for the working poor, and when he went into the building construction business, he created a subdivision in Halifax which was one of the first anywhere to integrate housing for the rich and poor. His own house at 989 Young Ave, and two of his public buildings, The Marble Wright Building (1672 Barrington St.) and The Saint Paul Building, (1684 Barrington St.) still stand in downtown Halifax.

George Wright
George Wright
The Evening Mail, 20 April 1912

Wright sailed to Europe on the Empress of Ireland in the autumn of 1911, and was in Paris when he learned of Titanic's maiden voyage. He apparently booked passage at the last minute; his name does not appear on the list of ship's passengers distributed during the voyage. He paid £26 for his ticket, but there is no record of which cabin he was assigned, but it was a single berth cabin, probably on E Deck where many of the commercial travellers were booked.

No one recalls seeing Wright on the voyage. He kept to himself, and friends speculate that because he was a heavy sleeper he probably went to bed on the evening of April 14 and possibly never woke up. His body, if recovered, was never identified.

References and Sources

Public Archives of Nova Scotia

Newspaper Articles

New York Times (30 June 1909) Profanity Among Boys [editorial]
New York Times (31 October 1910) Profanity And Culture [letter To The Editor]
New York Times (27 February 1951) Y. M. C. A. Gets Titanic Bequest


George Wright built this development
The home of George Wright


Alan Hustak (1999) Titanic: The Canadian Story, Véhicule Press. ISBN 1 55065 113 7
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Comment and discuss

  1. Charles Provost

    Hi! Is it true that Mr George Wright, of Halifax, slept in his cabin until the end? Personally I think his stateroom was located on E-deck, which was an area where the sea water came very fast. This water would have surely wake up Mr Wright rapidly... Yours, Charles
  2. Jeffrey Kern (Jeffrey)

    Jeffrey Kern (Jeffrey)

    The conjecture that Mr Wright slept until the end is only a speculation. Otherwise, I, personally, think he would have well awoke by the noise of many outside the hallway, the running water (which would therefore suggest his, indeed, having slept late, and also would suggest he woke up a little too late), and some of his friends could have come to warn him to go to the Boat Deck. The speculation just seems somewhat unrealistic in its own right, and illogical.
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Titanic Passenger Summary

Name: Mr George Wright
Age: 62 years 5 months and 20 days (Male)
Nationality: Canadian
Last Residence: in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
Occupation: Businessman
Embarked: Southampton on Wednesday 10th April 1912
Ticket No. 113807, £26 11s
Died in the Titanic disaster (15th April 1912)
Body Not Identified

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