Wreck comparisons

That's a really cool link, thanks! I think the pics have got one thing right though-the forecastle will last the longest, being as it's so deeply stuck in the mud. I don't think the well deck area will shrink away so much-more likely the interior and exterior metal will fall in/away, leaving the frames upright for a time? All speculation of course, but fun stuff!
I have to agree with Josh - I think the illustrations were pretty optimistic. Give it another 100 years? Probably a pile of rust.

Has Ballard or anybody actually taken cores or measurements to assess the thickness of core metal remaining to date?

That would give a pretty good basis for forecasting just how long the old girl will last...


John M
I don't think those drawings are accurate. From what I've heard and studied, it would seem the rear section of the bow is collapsing first, with the shell plating bowing outward. The boat deck, on the other hand, seems to be collapsing down into A-deck, with the collapse moving forward gradually. We've seen the forward part of the OQ already flattened, the same with the gymnasium.

Personally, the concept is great, but someone with an eye for forensic investigation would be best to make an accurate prediction.
