Encyclopedia Titanica


Third Wife Distant Relative in Virginia

New York Times

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President of Liberty National Bank Weds as Third Wife Distant Relative in Virginia

RICHMOND, Va., Oct. 10---Robert W. Daniel, president of the Liberty National Bank of New York, and Mrs. Charlotte Bemiss Christian, widow of Frank Palmer Christian of this city and niece of the late John Skelton Williams, at one time Controller of the Currency, were married here this evening. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. Dr. Frank T. McFaden, Presbyterian minister of Winchester.

Mr. Daniel originally came from Richmond. They will pass their honeymoon at Brandon on the James River, which he acquired a few years ago. Mr. Daniel is a brother of Channing W. Daniel, prominent in Philadelphia financial circles.

Mrs. Christian's first husband died in 1918 while in the service. This is Mr. Daniel's third marriage. He first married in 1914 the widow of Lucien P. Smith, member of Congress from West Virginia, who was lost in the Titanic disaster. She was Miss Mary Eloise Hughes of Washington. They were divorced. On Dec. 6, 1923, Mr. Daniel married Mrs. Marjorie Durant Campbell, daughter of William C. Durant, automobile manufacturer. They had a daughter, Margery Randolph Daniel, and were divorced in September of last year.

Both Mr. Daniel and his bride are descendants of Edmund Randolph, who was Governor of Virginia, first Attorney General of the United States and later Secretary of State. Mr. Daniel is chairman of the board of the Richmond Trust Company. During the was he served as Captain and Major in the army.


Mark Baber, USA


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Encyclopedia Titanica (2004) R. W. DANIEL MARRIES MRS. C. B. CHRISTIAN (New York Times, Friday 11th October 1929, ref: #2541, published 17 March 2004, generated 17th June 2024 12:38:51 PM); URL : https://www.encyclopedia-titanica.org/r-w-daniel-marries-mrs-c-b-christian.html