Encyclopedia Titanica

Another Added to List of Lost Is Albert Mallet, a Traveller

Calgary Herald

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MONTREAL, April 20.- The disaster to the Titanic was brought poignantly home to Montrealers today by the arrival in the city of some of the Montreal survivors.

At ten o'clock yesterday morning a special train pulled into the Grand Trunk station bringing with it Mrs Hays, the widow of the Grand Trunk president, and her widowed daughter, Mrs. Thornton Davidson.

To the list of Montrealers who lost their lives in the Titanic disaster must be added Albert Mallet, a commercial traveler, in the employ of Laport Martin and Co.  Mr. Mallet, with his wife and son, embarked in the Second cabin at Cherbourg, and their names had, therefore, not appeared in the first list of passengers wired from England.

Mrs. Mallet and the child were saved.

In view of the Titanic diaster the St. George's society has decided to abandon its annual dinner. H. Markland Molson, one of the victims, was a life member of the society.


Senan Molony, Ireland


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Encyclopedia Titanica (2006) Another Added to List of Lost Is Albert Mallet, a Traveller (Calgary Herald, Saturday 20th April 1912, ref: #5052, published 5 November 2006, generated 5th October 2024 08:00:14 PM); URL : https://www.encyclopedia-titanica.org/another-added-list-lost-is-albert-mallet-traveller.html