Encyclopedia Titanica

Body of Charles Asplund, Titanic Victim, will be Buried in Worcester, Without Expense To Surviving Family

Worcester Telegram

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Subscription papers will be circulated, today and next week in the Slater building, State Mutual building and courthouse, in an effort to raise money for Mrs. Charles Asplund and family left in strained circumstances owing to the loss of Mr. Asplund and three children in Titanic disaster.

The subscription papers will be circulated by members of Worcester Titanic relief fund committee, it was decided at a meeting of 18 of the 25 members of the committee, last night at the Putnam & Thurston restaurant.

The committee voted to draw upon the fund for bringing the body of Mr. Asplund to Worcester and for funeral services, without expense to Mrs.Asplund. It was also decided that all expenses of the committee will be borne pro rata by the committee without drawing from the fund.

It was decided to appoint two trustees for the fund and Mayor David F. O'Connell and ex-Alderman George F. Jeppson were chosen trustees.

Subscription papers will be sent through some of the Worcester factories next week in an effort to swell the fund. Mayor O'Connell expressed regret that a more lively interest in the fund is not being taken by the Worcester public. He said it is the best kind of charity and ought to bring quick response from many citizens.

The committee will meet Monday or Tuesday night to arrange a program for the benefit entertainment at the Worcester theater, May 5.

The fund was increased by the receipt of $98 yesterday and now totals $535.50

The contributions to date:

Previously acknowledged, $432.50
John H. Coes 5.00
Matthew J. Whittall 25.00
Edgar Reed 5.00
Reed & Prince 25.00
N. Nelson & Co. 10.00
W.D.Lucy 5.00
E.G.Adams 3.00
Dr. J.J.McCoy 5.00
A.S.Lowell 5.00
Total $535.50

A news dispatch to Worcester yesterday gave information that the body of a Carl Asplund, supposed to be Charles Asplund, had been recovered.

When informed of the finding of the body supposed to be that of her husband, Mrs. Charles Asplund said the body would be brought to Worcester and burial would be in the Swedish cemetery.

The body, according to wireless messages which have been received at St. John's, N.F. was recovered by the ship MacKay-Bennett.


Lesley Morgan

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Encyclopedia Titanica (2004) Body of Charles Asplund, Titanic Victim, will be Buried in Worcester, Without Expense To Surviving Family (Worcester Telegram, Saturday 27th April 1912, ref: #2903, published 18 May 2004, generated 3rd December 2024 03:22:08 AM); URL : https://www.encyclopedia-titanica.org/body-charles-asplund-titanic-victim-buried-worcester.html