Olympics's original auction catalog is it reprinted online

I am curious about the many items auctioned from Olympic prior to her being scrapped-
Does anyone know if the period booklet containing all the Olympic items, and descriptions therof that were put on auction in the mid 30s has ever been posted online?

This seems one of those Titanic related books that you never find, and its curious the information within is seldom published-
Or has it been publsihed?
With 'new' Olympic items popping up on auction, id like to read the original desciptive listings of what was sold off when the Olympic was scrapped. I recently bought some nifty knick knacks of Olympic wood trim.

tarn Stephanos

I believe that the Commutator reprinted a few of the pages (I don't have these issues, so it must be in the 1980's some time) and a few of the first day's lots were posted here on ET in one of the threads. Someone said soemthing about the full catalogue being posted here on ET, but that hasn't happened as far as I know ... unless I missed it.


Thanks Daniel-
I tried searching the threads on ET to find anything about that auction catalog, but no luck...
That is one book that needs to be posted somewhere...


Tran Stephanos

Here we go, scroll down to Phil's post of the 1935 auction catalogue, in this discussion of the Sep 2004 auction lots:

Thanks everyone for the quick response!
I look forward to the time when the information within the Olympic auction catlog is posted on ET.
Perhaps such could be supplimented with period photos?
It would be nice if we can track down the Smoking Room panels that had the elegant sailing ship stained glass window...

Hi All,
I guess this is the place for this. Did anyone else see this online? At this site, http://www.northatlanticrun.com, the whole Dec. 1991 Olympic auction catalog has now been posted along with an amazing gallery of quality photographs of the items as they appeared in the barn they were found in, being restored, detail shots etc. There is more - other Olympic auctions and other related articles as well. AND....the entire 1935 Auction catalog (WOW)! The site has excellent material - other lines and unpublished photos etc., but this stuff is just incredible - the photo gallery of Olympic fittings alone is stunning. Apparently this site is going to get even better - "This site is continually under construction. Please check back for further updates." - I will!

Hi Eric,

Did anyone else see this online?

Yep, see this thread:

Best wishes,

I don't know if this would be of much interest to all of you who posted on this thread. In 2007 I photographed the entire AUCTIONEERS copy of the catalogue containing details of lots purchased, how much for and the surname of whom. I have spent a couple of months transcribing the details (not easy when trying to read amendments, alterations and squiggly handwriting from the auctioneers) and am making it available for purchase (I feel torn about this, but i'm making massive headway in tracking down more details of the 1935 auction and other sales that followed, which soon should lead to discoveries of a few fittings hitherto thought to be destroyed). If anyone is interested please visit the E-Bay site where this item is listed and have a look at the screenshots which I have added to the listing, and an image of the auctioneers catalogue and prepare yourself for a bit of a shock, the First Class lounge didn't sell, the A La Carte Restaurant didn't sell, virtually none of the Grand Staircase panelling sold and the biggest shock of all, is that Douglas Smith, according to the catalogue, did not attend the sale of fittings in Jarrow, his business partner Thomas Taylor Walton bought all the fittings for Haltwhistle. Anyway, here's the link, see what you think olympic haltwhistle | eBay
Hi all,

Finding this thread after a decade of inactivity, and I’m on the hunt for a digital (or reprinted) copy of the 1935 Knight, Frank & Rutley RMS Olympic Auction catalogue. I saw that a number of years back, the whole catalogue was supposedly printed and housed on the following website: northatlanticrun.com/. However, this site has since expired, by the looks of it. Does anybody have any leads on where I might begin to look?
