Titanic 1943 Version

I got the Kino DVD of the German Titanic. For Titanic history buffs, this DVD is a must! Not only does the DVD have the full length German movie with original German dialogue and English subtitles, there is the original German trailer, Olympic White Star promo film, 1912 newsreel and pages from the German pressbook. Robert H. Gibbons
I was just gonna post an alert... Got DVR all set
Was just flippin'channels, and saw it in the nick of time, 1/2 hour to spare was I SURPRISED... I don't know if this is ever been on the tube before
I just saw this last night and did it seem to anyone else but me that the Germans tried their best to smear White Star and English shipping as a whole into the ground pehaps as some sort of propoganda for the German line? Also what is the "blue diamond" that they were discussing and did it really exist? And BTW did anyone else notice some similarities with this one and Cameron's Titanic.
I checked Turner Classic Movie's web site and unfortunately, they have not scheduled the German TITANIC anytime during the rest of September, but on September 25th, they have scheduled Unsinkable Molly Brown:

10:00 AM Eastern: The Unsinkable Molly Brown (1964) Musical biography of the backwoods girl who struck it rich in Colorado and survived the Titanic. Debbie Reynolds, Harve Presnell, Ed Begley. D: Charles Walters. C 128m. LBX CC

Robert H. Gibbons
I checked Turner Classic Movie's web site for Titanic movies in October, and didn't find any. What I did find is a classic for Normandie fans. October 29th is Hitchcock's Saboteur, which has the famous shot of the Normandie capsized at her pier. Hitch was filming in New York city when the Normadie caught fire and capsized. Hitch put his "saboteur" actor and a camera crew in a cab and filmed the capsized liner and a smirk on the "saboteur's" face. He got in real trouble with the Navy! Also, this film has a spectacular climax on the Statue of Liberty:

10:30 PM Eastern. Saboteur (1942) A young man accused of sabotage goes on the lam to prove his innocence. Robert Cummings, Priscilla Lane, Norman Lloyd. D: Alfred Hitchcock. BW 109m. CC

Robert H. Gibbons
Thanks Robert.
I think I've seen Saboteur before, but I don't remember most of it, including the Normandie. Is it the one where the fire extinguisher is filled with gasoline?
Yes, that's the one in the aircraft plant where the fire extinguisher had gasoline in it and fed the fire rather than extinguished it. I think it's a model for Hitchcock's later "North by Northwest" where the falsely accused man keeps getting deeper and deeper into trouble. Also, North by Northwest ended in a chase on the Mount Rushmore monument, and Saboteur ended with the hero and the saboteur on the Statue of Liberty. Robert H. Gibbons
Wow, that was an awful movie.
Entertaining in so much as the fictional German officer "Peterson" was the only crew member that had any semblance if integrity. The way Ismay, Captain Smith, Astor, and others were portrayed as spineless, greedy capitalist pigs, and "Peterson" alone just could not save the ship with all the pompous morons in charge. Then there was sub-plot with Astor trying to manipulate stock and take over the White Star Line. Then There were those sinking scenes, when the stern was rising out of the water that was about the cheesiest effect of all. Oh, and to top it off, there was, after the final plunge, Peterson swimming up to the lifeboat at about 5-6 knots, unimpeded by the freezing water with a BABY HE HAD SAVED!!!! Just like the story of Captain Smith, except Peterson did get into the boat, only to pillory the entire White Star Line during the inquiry. What a joke.
Those Pesky Nazis! They certainly had a few issues, eh?

BTW, "Saboteur" was a great movie. The Normandie scene, albeit brief, took me by pleasant surprise. A familiar Hitchcock formula, the "innocent guy in the wrong place" thing
26-1/2 knot world speed record??? WTF??
My copy arrived last week and I sat down and watched it through last night.
I thought it was excellent. Rememember when it was made and under what conditions.

Hello Sally,

Lucky you!

I guess you get to watch Nazi propaganda at its finest. Did you see any overt forms of propaganda? Just curious. Seriously I've never seen this Movie and was curious about whats it's about.
I saw Triumph Of The Will.
The movie is worth seeing for Madeleine Astor's hat alone, to say nothing of the tamest striptease ever put on film.

Apart from Ismay, Astor and Smith, most characters are fictitious. We don't meet Margaret Brown, the Duff-Gordons, or Colonel Gracie.

It's certainly overt propaganda. It's main thrust is that Ismay and Astor were a pair of vile schemers, who were trying to manipulate White Star shares to their own advantage. Ismay promises Captain Smith a fat bonus for a record passage. (This Titanic can do 26.5knots!). This leads to disaster, as Smith ignores the wise advice of his German officer. The film was banned by Goebbels and was little seen in Nazi Germany, but it later went down well in East Germany, as an anti-capitalist movie.

The movie is not entirely unsympathetic to those on Titanic. Jack Phillips in particular is treated kindly.

Interestingly, the Jews on board are not mentioned.

There's been discussion about why the movie was banned, after being made at great expense. Maybe it was thought that the German public didn't want more scenes of disaster and panic. Maybe Titanic could be taken as symbolic of the Third Reich. Another point is that the German officer is not a good model Nazi. He questions authority, in the form of Ismay and Smith.

Overall, the movie is a hoot and some scenes are quite effective, notably those in the engineroom and the flooding scenes, which are like those in Cameron's flick. Just don't worry about historical accuracy. Even the White Star pennants on the officers' caps are back-to-front!
Banned by Goebbels. Neine, neine! If Leni Riefenstahl had made it they wouldn't of had that problem. Have you ever seen Triumph Of The Will 1934 and Olympia 1936 They can't even make a propaganda film correctly. Silly Nazi Trix's are for kids.
I saw this (Titanic '43 German) on Turner Classic last night!!!! I DO wonder if Walter Lord ever saw this movie (and I use the term 'movie' loosely). I do believe Mr. Lord would be turning in his grave.

This film is nothing but a Nazi propaganda freak show. Blatant and awful.

I found myself screaming at the TV every time I found ANOTHER inconsistency.

I laughed out loud when "Phillips" released the caged bird, considering the Nazi loathing for humanity in general.

The only thing I enjoyed was the way they portrayed Ismay. I got a kick out of how they portrayed him as the gigantic coward he was. (In my opinion only, no offense to his family if any monitor this forum.)

Was it just me, or did it appear they made an extra effort to make Capt. Smith look evil?

Honestly, after I watched this film, I felt like taking a shower.

All I can say is "Oy Vay"