That Mrs. Charles Asplund and two of her children survived when the illfated S.S.Titanic went to the bottom of the ocean off the New Foundland Banks Sunday was assured today when Mrs. Olof Ahlquist of 151 Vernon street, a sister of Mrs. Asplund, received a telegram fron St Vincent hospital in New York, stating that Mrs. Asplund and her two children are confined to that institution, having been taken there after leaving the S.S. Carpatheia during the night.
The telegram was received in Worcester at midnight and is signed Selma Asplund and sent from St. Vincent hospital. It states that Mrs. Asplund arrived at the hospital last night with her two babies and that she will write her sister, Mrs. Ahlquist before leaving the hospital for Worcester. Upon the arrival of the survivors of the Titanic in Worcester they will be taken to the home of Mr. And Mrs. Ahlquist on Vernon street.
The only reports up to this afternoon that Mr. Asplund was saved are included in the dispatch received last night by Peter F. Sullivan, agent for the White Star line. It is from the New York offices and states that Charles, Lillian, Clarence and Felix Asplund survive the Titanic disaster. Word from the Worcester party of relatives who went to New York yesterday to make inquiries concerning the Asplund family, are expected at any moment.
The party was made up of Charles E. Carlson of 193 Vernon street, a brother in law of Mr. Asplund ; Miss Teckla Johnson of 9 Freeland street, a sister of Mrs. Asplund, and John Carlson of 3 Fairbanks street, another brother in law of Mr. Asplund.
It is thought that Mr. Asplund has been taken to some hotel, as his condition would warrant such a move. His wife and children evidently fared badly in the disaster and are under treatment at the hospital. As soon as their condition will warrant they will be taken to Worcester where they will join their sorrowing and anxious relatives.
According to the dispatch received by Mr. Sullivan, Philip and Carl were drowned. There is some confusion among the relatives today as the telegram from the hospital says that Mrs. Asplund and two babies are confined there no mention being made of the third child. It is thought that this child may be with the father.
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