In looking over the list of those thought to have gone down with the Titanic and of those thought to have been saved, Mr. Carlson, whose wife is a sister-in-law of Mr. Asplund, became convinced that although the names appearing in the lists are spelled incorrectly, they are those of Mr. Asplund and his family.
The names of the children are similar to the correct appelations and Mr. Carlson and his wife feel certain that the Asplund family was aboard the Titanic at the time of the disaster. In a recent letter to Mr. and Mrs. Carlson, Mr. Asplund wrote that he and his family would sail for this country April 10, which is the day Titanic left her dock.
The Asplund family lived in Worcester for 16 years, and previous to leaving for Sweden, five years ago, resided at 5 Rodney street.
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