Encyclopedia Titanica

Winnifred Vera Quick

Second Class Passengers

Winnifred Vera Quick
Winnifred Vera Quick

Miss Winnifred Vera Quick was born in Plymouth, Devon on 23 January 1904, the daughter of Mr Frederick Charles Quick (Plasterer) and Jane Quick and sister to Phyllis May Quick. The family had emigrated to Detroit in about 1910 and she returned to Plymouth with her mother and sister early in 1912 for a visit to her mother's family. Their return to America was as second-class passengers on the Titanic. She was aged 8 at the time.

They were rescued in lifeboat 11.

Winnie Quick dropped out of school and went to work for a chocolate factory, and later a bakery. At the age of 14 she met Alois Van Tongerloo (born April 24, 1899, died August 26, 1987) who was also an emigrant of 1912. They later married and had three sons and two daughters.

Winifred van Tongerloo died 4 July 2002 aged 98 years. She is buried at Mount Olivet Cemetery, Detroit

Research Articles

Newspaper Articles

Detroit Journal (20 April 1912) Mrs. Jane Quick


Michael A. Findlay Voyage (2002) Obituary of Winnifred Van Tongereloo
Quick Family Photographs

Titanic Passenger Summary

Name: Miss Winnifred Vera Quick
Age: 8 years 2 months and 23 days (Female)
Nationality: English American
Embarked: Southampton on Wednesday 10th April 1912
Ticket No. 26360, £26
Rescued (boat 11)  
Disembarked Carpathia: New York City on Thursday 18th April 1912
Died: Thursday 4th July 2002 aged 98 years
Buried: Mount Olivet Cemetery, Detroit, Michigan, United States

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